
Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Hello and Welcome!

First of all, thank you so much for taking the time to look at my blog. Whether you found it at midnight browsing through the internet or you just stalk me, I appreciate your views. I am hopefully going to cover all kinds of things on this blog but I will focus on these four topics the most. Food, Fitness, Philanthropy and Fun. I named by blog with the idea in mind that you just need to take life one step at a time and don't get too overwhelmed. Stress gets to the best of us but we need to make sure we focus on what is really important and take time to have fun.

Teenagers get a bad rap. We are bratty, rude, moody, know it all's and most of all just plain old annoying.  I wish I could say this wasn't to true but, to an extent it kinda is. We teenagers are supposed to be having the best of our lives but sometimes we feel like crying for no apparent reason at all. According to some parents we need to soak it all up because it only gets worse the older you get. I love being a teenager but some days I just can't even.

My name is Corrine and I am a fourteen year old girl only with only the slightest bit of life experience. I know I want to go somewhere in life I just haven't figured that out yet. I try my hardest at school, participate in a few sports, and get involved with my community. I have a passion for almost every sport, in particular basketball and lacrosse. (I hate baseball and softball) I have no pets and I am not a big of a fan them. I have an amazing family with only one sister but a whopping 27 cousins. I love brownies, waffles, smoothies and especially ice cream.

I was assigned to make this blog for an Honors English assignment. (I didn't make it just for the hay of it). I was not too thrilled when I was told that I had to create a blog. It involved writing to real people, but I am making due and hopefully in the end it will be good.  

Food, fitness, philanthropy and fun are going to be the topics I am going to focus on. I like all four of these things (duh) but most of all I like fun.

Food is something we all enjoy. I am defiantly not a picky eater. I love, love carbs like pasta and bread and would live off them if I could. I hate tomatoes, peanut butter (I know I am weird) and escargot. (too slimy) I like baking more than cooking so I might talk more about brownies and such instead of stir fry.

Fitness is a no brainier. I love sports and don't know what I would do without them. Most days I come home from school with a lot on my mind so I get myself all stressed. When I go to practice I feel so much better when I come home, even though I am tired it makes the day worth it. 

Philanthropy is a thing that all people should participate in. I think it is important to give back to your community but it can be really boring if you don't do what you like.  I enjoy working with special needs kids so I will talk a lot about them and all that jazz.

Scuba Diving off the Coast of Belize
Fun is also a wonderful thing that some of us don't get enough of. I know I do. I love hanging out with friends, going for hikes and especially traveling. I am not afraid of too much so doing crazy things is what I enjoy. I would recommend scuba diving and snorkeling to all who haven't done it. I really like the ocean if you have not figured that out yet but I love the mountains too.I believe that having something fun to look forward too is just as important as worrying about the next test.

Life is full of ups and downs just like rolling waves. I will write to you about my little triumphs, failures, adventures and everything in between. My goal is too have you relate to me, think about a good life and enjoy reading my writing. Thanks again for reading the whole post. (I hope you read my next ones too) :) 

Have an excellent day!

Happy blogging,