
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Goodbye Forever

For the very few who actually read my blog, this will be my last post.

I started this blog way back at the beginning of my freshman year. That was in September which feels likes eons ago.

I can remember the time my teacher told us we had to write a blog.At first I groaned then shrugged then buckled down and did it. I came up with a title and liked my blog at first. I realized that many other blogs had the same title. At that point it was okay because I liked my title and so I stuck with it. My plan was to stick with the topic food, fun, fitness and philanthropy. I wrote my introduction post in the beginning then was going to stay with the theme. That idea went right out the window once I realized we had to write a blog post a week. One post a week! To me that was crazy and I wanted no part of all that extra work. Then it became a habit that turned out to not be that big of a deal.

Throughout the year it just became something I needed to get done so I could get a good grade. I mostly wrote about what was going on in my life. To me, my blog turned out to be a public kind of diary.

I talked about my likes, dislikes, experiences and stories I wanted to tell. I learned how to write a story and keep it interesting. My first few posts were dry and lacked exciting information.

One thing I am proud of has to be my hooks. At the beginning of the year I didn’t really have a title that pulled the reader in. Now I feel that my titles and hooks are intriguing and well written.

I think the thing I learned most from my blog has to be who I am. Looking back at the year I saw  how I was feeling at different points in my life. My winter was tough and I wasn't the happiest. My posts reflected that felling. They were not that exciting and were clearly negative. As spring came around I became happier and my posts became happier too. I talked about funny stories or exciting times in my life.

My blogging journey has taught me that writing stories reflects how I am feeling inside. Writing has never been by a favorite subject of mine. Although I complained about writing these posts, I didn't really mind it in the end. Blogging made me realize that writing is not that bad and I can be good at it if I keep working hard. My word choice, spelling and grammar has improved immensely and I credit that to English class. Unlike most other assignments in English I was allowed to write about whatever I wanted to. I wasn't worried about format so I became a better writer without realizing it.

In the end I improved my writing and understanding of what kind of information people want to read.  I learned more about myself as a person and most of all how I changed from a negative person to a positive person.

View from my deck. So long suckers.

Happy Life,

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Summer (JK)

What time is it? Summer time!

Well actually not quite. Here at Treasure Mountain tests are still being graded, homework is still being given, and stress levels are still going up. Everything will still be full speed ahead until June 3rd. June 3rd is the day stress disappears, the day I leave junior high forever, and the day summer vacation begins. On June 3rd I will finally be able say “it’s summer time!”. However, until the last day of school I have to live in hell and only dream of paradise.

As I mentioned before, I still have to learn but that hasn’t been going well for me lately. My brain has this idea that it’s already time for vacation. I can’t focus, think, or do anything school related. Even writing this blog post is giving me a migraine. I have to blame my lack of attention on the weather. The sunny, cloudless, 72˚ weather. It makes me feel like summers here. I can’t help but wish I was hanging out with my friends and playing lacrosse even though lacrosse is almost over.

Lacrosse season is coming to an end as well as school. Our last game is on Friday and frankly I am kinda bummed. I probably enjoy lacrosse the most out of all the other sports I play. I look forward to practice and wake up energized and excited on game days. My coaches are wonderful and I really like the girls on my team. I am one of the captains for JV and to me that is a huge honor. We have been playing since the beginning of January so I guess it has been a long season but it doesn't feel like it. We practice five days a week unless we have a game. I have played pretty well in games this year and have improved a lot. I definitely think lacrosse is my favorite sport. I just got a job coaching kindergartners how to play and I love it. I am also trying out for the Utah national team on Saturday. The junior varsity team for the girls is is playing the boys junior varsity team this weekend. I am kinda nervous for it but I think it will be fun too. The boys and girls trade sticks and we play girls rules. All and all I think lacrosse was really fun and I don’t want it to end.

That is me. AHHHHH
Now that lacrosse is ending I don’t really have an excuse for not going to basketball clinics. Spring training has started and I am not too into it right now. It is with the boys and they are so much better than us. Sometimes I feel like I can’t play around them but that is okay because it will only make me a better player.

I am looking forward to having a chill May. I won't have as much homework and no more sports. I plan on hanging out with friends and having more fun. Summer please come as fast as you can.

Happy Summer (Almost),

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Fabulous Flannels

Spring, a season that is supposed to last one-fourth of the year but in Park City, that is not the case. Here, we have snow for about six months and summer for five months. That leaves two weeks for Spring and two weeks for Autumn.

That may sound a little drastic but that's how I see it.

One day, near the end of April the sun decides to shine. The snow gives up on being frozen and starts to melt. The melting lasts for one week and by the end, the snow is gone around town and everyone starts thinking summer is coming.

The resorts announce their closing date and everyone gets their last few days on the slope. You pack away your winter coat and trade it for a shell. The mittens turn into liners and boot heaters get turned off. The shady runs are fast and frozen and the sunny ones are complete and udder slush.

That first day at school once the sun has shinned all the shorts have come out. The leggings will never leave but flowy shorts and dresses start to make their debut.

All the sudden the weather changes. The clouds role in and the tiny flutter of snow starts falling from the sky. The girls in shorts freeze and the school gets cold once again. Somehow we end up with a few feet of snow and somehow I decide to go skiing once again. The winter coat gets put back on and bam its winter again.

My dad and I went to Snowbird on Wednesday. That Wednesdays happened to be on April 27th which is in the middle of our spring. We waited for the mountain to open because of avalanche danger then had one of the best powder days of all time. We skied about six runs then had to quit because I had a lacrosse game after.

I got a little sidetracked sorry, anyway, back to why spring sucks.

So after the snow days are over it starts to rain. Are you even joking me! The first few days are phenomenal. The rain puts everyone in a chill state of mind. Practice gets canceled and you can drink lemon tea and watch Netflix. My favorite.

Two super cool rainbows from my window

But then the sun comes out again. The sky becomes blue and it is warm once again. The mud is everywhere and the car wash has a consistent line. Every time you get out of the car the mud scrapes on the back of your jeans.

Now you are asking why does this have anything to do with flannels.

Well, while all this crazy weather happens. We wear flannels. We can wear them buttoned up or down, tied around our waist, as jackets or sweaters.

I don't understand why spring does this to us or why it is bipolar. The good thing is that where I live it only lasts for about two weeks. But during these two weeks I have found that wearing flannels with every outfit possible is one of the best things ever.

Happy Flannel Wearing,