
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Goodbye Forever

For the very few who actually read my blog, this will be my last post.

I started this blog way back at the beginning of my freshman year. That was in September which feels likes eons ago.

I can remember the time my teacher told us we had to write a blog.At first I groaned then shrugged then buckled down and did it. I came up with a title and liked my blog at first. I realized that many other blogs had the same title. At that point it was okay because I liked my title and so I stuck with it. My plan was to stick with the topic food, fun, fitness and philanthropy. I wrote my introduction post in the beginning then was going to stay with the theme. That idea went right out the window once I realized we had to write a blog post a week. One post a week! To me that was crazy and I wanted no part of all that extra work. Then it became a habit that turned out to not be that big of a deal.

Throughout the year it just became something I needed to get done so I could get a good grade. I mostly wrote about what was going on in my life. To me, my blog turned out to be a public kind of diary.

I talked about my likes, dislikes, experiences and stories I wanted to tell. I learned how to write a story and keep it interesting. My first few posts were dry and lacked exciting information.

One thing I am proud of has to be my hooks. At the beginning of the year I didn’t really have a title that pulled the reader in. Now I feel that my titles and hooks are intriguing and well written.

I think the thing I learned most from my blog has to be who I am. Looking back at the year I saw  how I was feeling at different points in my life. My winter was tough and I wasn't the happiest. My posts reflected that felling. They were not that exciting and were clearly negative. As spring came around I became happier and my posts became happier too. I talked about funny stories or exciting times in my life.

My blogging journey has taught me that writing stories reflects how I am feeling inside. Writing has never been by a favorite subject of mine. Although I complained about writing these posts, I didn't really mind it in the end. Blogging made me realize that writing is not that bad and I can be good at it if I keep working hard. My word choice, spelling and grammar has improved immensely and I credit that to English class. Unlike most other assignments in English I was allowed to write about whatever I wanted to. I wasn't worried about format so I became a better writer without realizing it.

In the end I improved my writing and understanding of what kind of information people want to read.  I learned more about myself as a person and most of all how I changed from a negative person to a positive person.

View from my deck. So long suckers.

Happy Life,

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