
Friday, October 23, 2015

Introduction to Negin

Yes, I am writing about my teacher.

Negin Smith my teacher Curtsey of:
Treasure Mountain Junior High

I started Spanish class last year as a beginner. I got this teacher named Negin. (It's her first name and it's rad.) I had a good class with a mix of eighth graders and ninth graders. My friends Kira and Emma were in that class and we called her Classic Negin anytime she did something out of the ordinary. Or I guess ordinary for her. For example, one time she told us about how she went sailing for a few months then shaved her head. The rest of the sailors then followed making her a trendsetter. We had a signal for these kinds of things. We would just make a C with our hands then laugh a lot.

I had Spanish or as I should say espaƱol, last period of the day. It was a long time until that final bell rang but we made it. I learned a lot and was ready to move to Spanish two for the following year. We have three Spanish teachers and they all teach different levels. I had a slim chance but a chance of getting Negin again.

And as you guessed I got Negin again. That makes two full years of Spanish with the same teacher.

I got Emma in my class this year for the second time and my other friend Rell. It's a really strange class with a lot of eighth graders and being the older you natural dislike them. The year I have it first so every other day I spend an hour waking up with Negin.

One thing you need to know about Negin is that she is from Camden, Maine and tells us that a lot. Emma has a sweatshirt form Maine and every time she wears it Negin comments.

Anyways, Negin and I have this weird connection that I can't describe. But it only got weirder this year.

It all started a few weeks ago when I was sitting on a bean bag working on a project. She has this special room with a couch and beanbags connected to her room. Sometimes we get to work in there for individual or group classwork. The project that time was to make a presentation about someone that the rest of the class had to figure out based on your hints. I decided to write mine about Negin just for fun because I kid of know a lot of random facts about her. For example, she likes to knit and is Iranian. She came over and asked if she could see my project and I said no and pulled my computer to my chest.

Then she sat on me.

Just plain old flopped down on top of me with all her weight and sat there for a solid 45 seconds. Then she rolled off me and laid on the floor for a minute.

What was I supposed to do? Just push her off or tell her to get off? She is my teacher!

After she left we all started laughing a lot and just carried on. It was easily the weirdest and most uncomfortable experiences ever but interesting all the same. 

I really enjoy Spanish some days and other days not too much. It really depends on my mood and what happens throughout the period. Negin is a really chill person and a good teacher. I have learned a lot of Spanish and keep improving but I still have a lot to learn.

Personally, I would rather have a teacher I can tell stories about rather then your average lame teacher. I can't imagine Spanish without Negin but I still have a 3/4 of the year to go so no worries. If your teacher ever sits on you it's a good story. At this rate I am guessing there will be a lot more stories about Negin this year so no worries.

PS... We call her Kween Negin now because it sounds better. Notice the spelling.

Happy learning,



  1. Yeah Negin! XD Love Negin, though, honestly...

  2. Yeah Negin! XD Love Negin, though, honestly...
