
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Hatred for A-'s

School. It’s a blast. Waking up at six in the morning is definitely my idea of a perfect day.

According to America I am technically a freshman but truly, I am not. I go to Treasure Mountain Junior High. Notice the Junior in that. My school contains eighth and ninth graders so I am the oldest as a freshman. I am not saying it's bad that we are not the little tiny freshman but, I wish we were.

A visual representation of my campus.  Source: Google Maps
My school and the high school are on the same campus so the high school is so close but, so far. I mean, it’s only 1056 yards away. That’s approximately a seven minute walk and I would know because I do it almost every day. Living in a ski town, there tends to be a lot of snow. And as fun as it is to walk in a blizzard, I don’t prefer it. Most sports and activities are at the high school because we are freshmen (but not really). Oh well, only one more year then I will only have to walk five yards to get to the gym.

The thing about high school is that, it is super hard. Eighth grade does come close to ninth grade and defiantly does not prepare you for ninth grade.

The first quarter just concluded and I ended with a 3.975.Yes, it’s very good, but the thing is I have had a 4.0 since fourth grade. The reason why I got a 3.9 is because I got a 93% in Honors English. Technically, that is an A but according to my teacher it is an A-. I was so close and I DID IT but noooooooo.

I hate A-‘s with a burning passion. I am also positive that everyone else does too.

Plus, if we have negatives that drop your grade, why can’t we have positives that boost your grade? It’s extremely dumb.

Grades ruin the whole point of education because that's all we care about. If we are assigned homework but it is not going to be graded, no one will do it. We do bare minimum unless we are graded. We have all had those quizzes that the teacher gives and says they are not graded. Most people just fill in the bubbles however they want. It’s stupid.

All throughout school, some teachers have told me that an A is an A. But little do they know that the little - sign makes a big difference. That one A- prevented me from the glorified 4.0. I know I am exaggerating a lot but I need too.

One thing that really annoys me about teachers is that they think that we only have their class and their class only. Little do they realize that I have another seven classes to account for. Some teachers give out only one hour of homework but if you multiply that by eight, it adds up.

Teachers also tend to think that sports are dumb and they can’t believe we would educational opportunities for exercise. School is important but we need to have a life too.

Not having a 4.0 is most defiantly not the end of the world so all is well but I was just so close. So there is my rant on school and A-. It won’t be the last one of the year and I can promise you that.

Happy finals week,


  1. I love how relatable this post is. I hate school, too! I wrote a post about How To Survive High School; you should read it here:

  2. I relate to this post a lot. I hate A- and I also hate school! I wrote a post about stress so go ahead to my post on my blog
