
Sunday, January 31, 2016

This post is written to a pretty rad dude and if you are not him then you can have a quick glance. If you are him please read.

Dear Stephen Curry,
My name is Corrine Sullivan and I am a fourteen year old girl who lives in Park City Utah. I play basketball on the high school team as well as lacrosse. I also ski on the weekends and work really hard in school. I watch you play basketball and I am amazed by the consistence and accuracy of your shots. I think you are truly one of the best NBA players in history.

I tend to stretch myself to thin and overwork myself. I strive to be the best at everything and sometimes I need to take a step back. My main topics are basketball, school, and what I enjoy. I have had a 4.0 since forth grade and I am on the varsity basketball team. I absolutely love sports and I know you do too.

I want you to read my blog because I feel like you have already gone through the hard part of being a student athlete. Now you are one of the best athletes in the world. By reading my blog I want you to relate to what it was like to go through the struggles before you became famous.

Sometimes when I look at famous people I think they have it all going for them. The truth is you had a to push yourself as hard as you physically could in order to get where you are today. Millions of people look up to you and I am one of many. I hope you read my blog to relate to me. I am not sure what your childhood was like but I am having a hard time balancing everything this year. I think you must have had a time like that too. My blog will kind of be like a time warp for you. It will take you back to the days of being in high school and worrying about your next assignment instead of being the best in the world.
Just look at you.  Courtesy of (verge campus)
I love basketball and have for a very long time. I started playing in third grade and ever since then I have loved it. Just like you my dad was my first coach and has made the biggest impact in my life. He taught me the basics and after every game he lectures me on what I can do better. I want to be the best I can be but sometimes I push myself too much and get discouraged. Since you are the best in the world I feel like you don’t get discouraged anymore. I also think there must have been a time in your life where you got discouraged.

I want you to read my blog to watch me grow and change. Plus you Steph Curry come on that is incredibly cool. I want you to come back and read my new posts because it will show you how I am growing as a person, player and student. I hope my blog makes you realize that kids all over are looking up to you and that you can relate and remember what it was like to not be the best. Because one day I want to be the best.
                                                                                                                     ~ Corrine

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Splitting Myslef into Three Parts

I have this tendency to push myself over the limit. Multiple times. 

Yeah, yeah being a student isn't that bad compared to a job or college. The real world is hard but to me high school is pretty tough too.

I am on the basketball team and it is super fun but also super exhausting. We have practice every single day after school. On top of that we also have games two to three times a week. Some games like the one tomorrow are two hours away. That means we get home around eleven at night because there are three games. The freshman team plays first then junior varsity and finally varsity. I usually start junior varsity and then get a few minutes of playing time in Varsity. Games are a blast but as you can tell getting homework done is not on the to do list.

Lacrosse just started having practice as well. Tryouts were just held over the last two weeks. Talk about stressful. I would go from basketball practice ending at six and then going straight to lacrosse practice and eventually tryouts. That is almost a full day of school but exercising. I would get home around nine thirty at night and I had not done any homework yet.

Every day like that I would dread. Bringing a backpack, lunch, basketball bag and lacrosse stick to school was a lot on my shoulders literally.

On my day of tryouts for lacrosse I was really nervous just like everyone else. I came from basketball and went to a two and a half hour tryout. We ran this thing called the Sparta. It is extremely hard and after we planked for five minutes. During the planks I started feeling dizzy and my neighbor told me it was just the lights. After we were done planking I stood up and all the sudden I felt like I was going to puke. Then I did and I could help it. The coaches were very kind and sent me home. I was a wreck and super embarrassed.

The logo for our team. Courtesy of KPCW
The next trouts I made it through but got home that night and threw up all night. I missed the next two days of school to get better.

After getting better I realized I am stretched too thin. My grades were dropping a little bit and overall, I was mentally and physically exhausted. My body shut down and that has never happened to me before. The quarter ends on Friday so that will be a huge sigh of relief. I know now that being split between school, basketball and lacrosse is not going to work. I need to lighten my load so I can keep moving forward. Anyway your life is probably stressful too so thanks for reading and maybe relating to my rant.

Happy Stress,

Christmas Joys

Yes, the family can be annoying but to be honest it is the most wonderful time of the year.

Christmas time is by far the best time of the year. Everyone seems to be in a kinder, and in a happier mood. Fall comes to an end and winter begins. Slowly but surely all the lights start to turn on and little by little my tiny towns turns bright.

I know everyone does not celebrate Christmas but if you do I think you should have an alive Christmas tree. Hanging the stockings and decorating with lights is fabulous but having a tree is the most important.

We got our Christmas tree later than usually this year which was a bummer. I had basketball and lacrosse and then finals week so it was just to much. Our family does not really have a so called tradition for getting the perfect tree. Last year we drove out to the Road Island diner and had breakfast then went to Earth and Eaden in midway for our tree. This year Earth and Eaden was closed so we skipped all of it and just went in Park City. My parents picked me up from skiing and then we went to home depot. At that point all the good trees were taken so we left and headed for Smith's. I was kind of bummed because I am into the magic of it but oh well. We found a perfect tree at smiths which surprised me a lot.

We tied it to the top of our car with some white twine we found and drove home. It was a little bit sketchy because the tree was sliding on the roof. My mom freaked out and opened the sunroof and grabbed the string. She then put it in the sunroof so it would hold better. We made it all the way home and had a hard time getting it inside the house. Once it was inside the whole house smelled wonderful and to me that's when Christmas really begins.

I wanted to decorate it but I had to write an essay due that night. Bummer. Then we had dinner so we planed on decorating it another day.

What a good tree looks like lol. (Courtesy of Clip Art Panda)

They next day I finished all my homework in class so when I came home we could decorate the tree. We strung the lights then hung up all the ornaments. We got a eight foot tree so it would seem like we had a lot of space for ornaments but we did not. Finding room to put the last few on was hard because we had so many. My mom likes to get an ornaments wherever we travel to so we have ones form NYC, all the way to California. 

Once we were done we plugged it in and it glowed bright with the star on top. Now every time I walk in my door I see the tree all light up with the smell of evergreen flowing into my nose. That is why everyone needs to have a real tree for Christmas stockings and decorating with lights is fabulous but having a tree is the most important.

Happy decorating,

Elf in the sky

No, there is not really an elf flying in the sky.

Elf playing on the tiny plane television
I am sitting on the plane heading to New York City while typing this. I am going back for Christmas and to see all my family. It is a five hour plane ride which is not too bad but kinda boring. We do not have the small personal televisions on the back of our seats which was a bummer but they do have the little ones hanging from the ceiling. Most movies the airplane screens are old and weird but today they turned on Elf. At first I thought it was just a commercial but as I kept watching it was the full movie. I was pretty low key excited so I plugged in my headphones and watched.
This experience brought me to realize how much I love Christmas movies. Right after Thanksgiving, black Friday and cyber Monday go on. The best thing is starting on December first is ABC Family twenty five days of Christmas begins. Right away I scroll through the upcoming days and record all the Christmas movies that are playing. My dad sometimes yells at me and says that I don't need that many because it fills up the DVR. I don’t listen and record at least twenty.

Some of those include the Polar Express, Elf, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Home Alone and many more. These few are by far my favorites though. Elf might be my favorite movie of all time as well.

When I watch my movies I like to eat either peppermint ice cream which comes out only during Christmas or popcorn with a candy cane on the side. I also enjoy cookies and holiday chocolates and sweets. I am not too big into milk so I prefer a cold glass of water which is lame but hey. I usually watch Elf first and then the non cartoon Grinch.

When I was a little tot the Grinch without cartoons scared me because the Grinch seemed to be scarier but looking back on it the cartoon one is terrible.

If you have not seen Elf before then I am truly sorry. It is a movie about a Human who grew up in the North Pole. He is accustom to the elf ways and then one day decided to go and meet his dad in New York City. When he arrives he tries to figure out to please his dad who is on the naughty list. He learns how to act like a Human and has a fun time doing it. The role is played by Will Farel and he does a good job. The movie is funny and one of the best movies of all time.

So this Christmas make sure you eat some treats and watch some wonderful Christmas movies. They cheer you up and make you laugh.

Happy Holidays,