
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Splitting Myslef into Three Parts

I have this tendency to push myself over the limit. Multiple times. 

Yeah, yeah being a student isn't that bad compared to a job or college. The real world is hard but to me high school is pretty tough too.

I am on the basketball team and it is super fun but also super exhausting. We have practice every single day after school. On top of that we also have games two to three times a week. Some games like the one tomorrow are two hours away. That means we get home around eleven at night because there are three games. The freshman team plays first then junior varsity and finally varsity. I usually start junior varsity and then get a few minutes of playing time in Varsity. Games are a blast but as you can tell getting homework done is not on the to do list.

Lacrosse just started having practice as well. Tryouts were just held over the last two weeks. Talk about stressful. I would go from basketball practice ending at six and then going straight to lacrosse practice and eventually tryouts. That is almost a full day of school but exercising. I would get home around nine thirty at night and I had not done any homework yet.

Every day like that I would dread. Bringing a backpack, lunch, basketball bag and lacrosse stick to school was a lot on my shoulders literally.

On my day of tryouts for lacrosse I was really nervous just like everyone else. I came from basketball and went to a two and a half hour tryout. We ran this thing called the Sparta. It is extremely hard and after we planked for five minutes. During the planks I started feeling dizzy and my neighbor told me it was just the lights. After we were done planking I stood up and all the sudden I felt like I was going to puke. Then I did and I could help it. The coaches were very kind and sent me home. I was a wreck and super embarrassed.

The logo for our team. Courtesy of KPCW
The next trouts I made it through but got home that night and threw up all night. I missed the next two days of school to get better.

After getting better I realized I am stretched too thin. My grades were dropping a little bit and overall, I was mentally and physically exhausted. My body shut down and that has never happened to me before. The quarter ends on Friday so that will be a huge sigh of relief. I know now that being split between school, basketball and lacrosse is not going to work. I need to lighten my load so I can keep moving forward. Anyway your life is probably stressful too so thanks for reading and maybe relating to my rant.

Happy Stress,

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