
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Christmas Joys

Yes, the family can be annoying but to be honest it is the most wonderful time of the year.

Christmas time is by far the best time of the year. Everyone seems to be in a kinder, and in a happier mood. Fall comes to an end and winter begins. Slowly but surely all the lights start to turn on and little by little my tiny towns turns bright.

I know everyone does not celebrate Christmas but if you do I think you should have an alive Christmas tree. Hanging the stockings and decorating with lights is fabulous but having a tree is the most important.

We got our Christmas tree later than usually this year which was a bummer. I had basketball and lacrosse and then finals week so it was just to much. Our family does not really have a so called tradition for getting the perfect tree. Last year we drove out to the Road Island diner and had breakfast then went to Earth and Eaden in midway for our tree. This year Earth and Eaden was closed so we skipped all of it and just went in Park City. My parents picked me up from skiing and then we went to home depot. At that point all the good trees were taken so we left and headed for Smith's. I was kind of bummed because I am into the magic of it but oh well. We found a perfect tree at smiths which surprised me a lot.

We tied it to the top of our car with some white twine we found and drove home. It was a little bit sketchy because the tree was sliding on the roof. My mom freaked out and opened the sunroof and grabbed the string. She then put it in the sunroof so it would hold better. We made it all the way home and had a hard time getting it inside the house. Once it was inside the whole house smelled wonderful and to me that's when Christmas really begins.

I wanted to decorate it but I had to write an essay due that night. Bummer. Then we had dinner so we planed on decorating it another day.

What a good tree looks like lol. (Courtesy of Clip Art Panda)

They next day I finished all my homework in class so when I came home we could decorate the tree. We strung the lights then hung up all the ornaments. We got a eight foot tree so it would seem like we had a lot of space for ornaments but we did not. Finding room to put the last few on was hard because we had so many. My mom likes to get an ornaments wherever we travel to so we have ones form NYC, all the way to California. 

Once we were done we plugged it in and it glowed bright with the star on top. Now every time I walk in my door I see the tree all light up with the smell of evergreen flowing into my nose. That is why everyone needs to have a real tree for Christmas stockings and decorating with lights is fabulous but having a tree is the most important.

Happy decorating,

1 comment:

  1. I didn't even get a christmas tree this year...but I love christmas and agree that a tree is an important part of the holiday season.
