
Sunday, January 31, 2016

This post is written to a pretty rad dude and if you are not him then you can have a quick glance. If you are him please read.

Dear Stephen Curry,
My name is Corrine Sullivan and I am a fourteen year old girl who lives in Park City Utah. I play basketball on the high school team as well as lacrosse. I also ski on the weekends and work really hard in school. I watch you play basketball and I am amazed by the consistence and accuracy of your shots. I think you are truly one of the best NBA players in history.

I tend to stretch myself to thin and overwork myself. I strive to be the best at everything and sometimes I need to take a step back. My main topics are basketball, school, and what I enjoy. I have had a 4.0 since forth grade and I am on the varsity basketball team. I absolutely love sports and I know you do too.

I want you to read my blog because I feel like you have already gone through the hard part of being a student athlete. Now you are one of the best athletes in the world. By reading my blog I want you to relate to what it was like to go through the struggles before you became famous.

Sometimes when I look at famous people I think they have it all going for them. The truth is you had a to push yourself as hard as you physically could in order to get where you are today. Millions of people look up to you and I am one of many. I hope you read my blog to relate to me. I am not sure what your childhood was like but I am having a hard time balancing everything this year. I think you must have had a time like that too. My blog will kind of be like a time warp for you. It will take you back to the days of being in high school and worrying about your next assignment instead of being the best in the world.
Just look at you.  Courtesy of (verge campus)
I love basketball and have for a very long time. I started playing in third grade and ever since then I have loved it. Just like you my dad was my first coach and has made the biggest impact in my life. He taught me the basics and after every game he lectures me on what I can do better. I want to be the best I can be but sometimes I push myself too much and get discouraged. Since you are the best in the world I feel like you don’t get discouraged anymore. I also think there must have been a time in your life where you got discouraged.

I want you to read my blog to watch me grow and change. Plus you Steph Curry come on that is incredibly cool. I want you to come back and read my new posts because it will show you how I am growing as a person, player and student. I hope my blog makes you realize that kids all over are looking up to you and that you can relate and remember what it was like to not be the best. Because one day I want to be the best.
                                                                                                                     ~ Corrine

1 comment:

  1. This is truly an iconic post. All of my problems have been cured since reading it. I can relate, I too play basketball and go to school. You should continue to talk about school in future posts. This post was the highlight of my day.
