
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Flight, Flight (or Freak)

Here is the thing, I recently found out I freak in an emergency.

My sister is special needs as you most likely already know. She has a syndrome called Aicardi Syndrome. She has many things that need to be taken care of on the daily. For example her feeding tube. She has to get her liquids through her stomach because she doesn't like to drink water.

Anyway, she is one of the coolest sisters around.

My sister Bridget on a different day than the emergency.

 One night my parents went out with some visitors. I stayed home and watch my sister which I do all the time. I went through the usually routine and put her to bed. Then sat down to watch a show. Then, she started moaning. So I went in and told her to go back to bed and tucked her back in.

She wouldn’t shut up.

I went back in and Bridge was sitting up again. At this point I was annoyed so I brought in my phone and headphones and laid down with her. After a little while I thought she fell asleep so I left.

Then about ten minutes later she was crying again but a little harder. I went in again. This time she was kicking and flailing. Bridge kicked her feeding tube and she was going to knock it over and that would be bad. So I grabbed her foot and the tube was stuck in her toes.
I pulled the covers back.

Her feeding tube that is supposed to be inside her was on the bed.

I gulped. Then yelled. Then went into overdrive.

I called my parents and of course they didn't answer so it was all me.

The thing is the stomach closes within twenty to thirty minutes which is not a lot of time. I knew I had to work fast or else I would be calling the ambulance and my sister and I would be going to the hospital to have emergency surgery.


She was screaming and grabbing at her stomach which was not helpful. I had to make sure her hand didn't touch the hole into her for many reasons.

a. It’s a hole in her stomach.
b. It’s bleeding everywhere.
c. Do I need another reason?

I grabbed her and ran down the stairs. I put her on the couch. I yanked the string out of my hoodie and tied her hands behind her back. She was really mad at me but what was I supposed to do?

I took the tube to the kitchen and usually we have a back up tube that's ready to go but we just came back form Hawaii so it was not unpacked yet. I figured this would have to do.

The hole had gotten a little smaller so it was very hard to jam into her.

I pushed really hard and wiggled.


My sister was in a lot of pain but I did it and that is all that mattered. I untied her hands, put her back in bed and laid down with her. I taped her stomach over with about twenty pieces so it had no chance of coming out again. I fell asleep with her waiting till my parents got home.

Some people say that people either have fight or flight reactions. I have also heard of freezing. Have you ever heard of freaking? Well now I know.

I freak.

Happy Freaking,

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