
Saturday, March 19, 2016


Basically re-living a dream.

No stress what even is that? Sometimes you need a vacation. That is all there is too it.

(I want to apologize for making you jealous in advance.)

Over presidents week we had a week off from school so my family and I went to Hawaii. We left Friday night and flew into Kauai. 
The view from my airplane window.
 We drove in to our hotel and got leis and drinks. I was in Paradise.

The sky was blue with a few with puffy clouds floating around. I visited the pool and looked out onto the cliffs down to the Pacific Ocean. The air was perfect temperature and the breeze was crisp and calming.

The very next day we made sandwiches and headed to a beach that was right next to Lumahai River. It was hidden off the road and not many people were there. I floated down the river into the ocean, boogie boarded and slept. It was one of my favorite beaches of the whole trip. After the sun set we packed up and got Acai Bowls with fresh fruit then went back to the house.

My parents and I are all certified scuba divers. With my aunt with us we could actually go and do something as a family. We called Sea Sport divers and went diving all day. We left off the south coast and did two dives. The first one I was super nervous but once I was under water it was fine. I saw turtles, fish and the coolest part was listening to the whale singing. If you stopped swimming and listened you could hear the low hum of the Humpback whales. I tried to tell my dad by touching my ear then attempting to sign whale but he didn’t understand. After the first dive we came up and my mom and I spotted two whales. We drove up to them and watched them dive under. Then we went to cooled lava caves and saw a dozen of turtles. We swam all through the dried tubes and caves it was so interesting. After the day was over I was really tired but we got ice cream to end on a good note.

On the next day we went to Hanalei bay which is famous for all kinds of surfing. I took a surfing lesson the first day and then the following day I rented a surfboard and surfed on my own. It was so fun. My favorite part had to be watching the professionals out on the huge waves though. 
Just climbing on some rocks at the beach.
We ate dinner at a restaurant or got take out almost every night. I had four ice creams, one shaved ice and one acai bowl. All of my food was delicious. My favorite restaurant was this tiny place in the middle of nowhere. It was a Mexican shack with the best fresh fish tacos I will ever eat.

I was in such a chill state. I cannot image being that stress free again. I was not salty on the inside I was salty on the outside. So, sorry for making you jealous. I truly needed to go back to when I was in low key heaven.

Happy Heaven,

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